We understand that there may be circumstances which make it difficult for you to afford your home loan repayments. If this happens, you should Contact Us immediately and you can take positive steps to prevent it from becoming a bigger problem.
The most common reason borrowers experience difficulties meeting their loan repayments is being over-committed to other loans and lines of credit (for example, store cards, credit cards and personal loans).
A budget to track your income and expenditure will help you understand how and where you spend your money and may assist you to adjust your spending priorities and meet your housing loan repayments.
If you are having trouble paying your land and water rates, phone, gas or electricity bills, contact your local council or utility provider as soon as possible. They may be able to make an arrangement to pay your bills, for example, by making regular payments by instalment.
Further information on budgeting and financial management can be found on the MoneySmart website at moneysmart.gov.au.
Life sometimes presents unexpected challenges that affect your ability to meet your financial obligations. You may have illness or injury that causes a prolonged absence from work, going through a divorce or separation, the loss of your job, or the death of a partner.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties, we can explore a range of options to help you manage your financial situation. These may include:
If your financial difficulties are serious, you might consider seeking free assistance from a financial counsellor or legal service, such as:
Call our Loan Management Team directly on 1800 064 800 to discuss your options.