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Indigenous Business Australia (IBA) launches significant research report about housing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people – with insights to access, outcomes and wellbeing.
IBA engaged the Australian Housing and Urban research Institute (AHURI) to jointly research how it can best support Indigenous Australians to access secure, affordable, and appropriate housing. The insights will inform how IBA, and other parties, can address the home ownership dilemma for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The benefits of home ownership are considerable including security of tenure, the building of intergenerational wealth, and the autonomy to make their own choices about how to live – which is critical to self-determination.
Indigenous Australians share the same aspirations as other Australians but have distinctive experiences.
The number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander households in home ownership has grown from around 46,150 in 2001 to 145,100 in 2021, more than tripling in 20 years.
The proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander households who are homeowners has grown rapidly from 33% in 2001 to 41% in 2021.
First Nations Australian homeowners are now the largest single category by tenure type. The growth reflects a strong desire in First Nations communities to own their own homes.
IBA Chair Eddie Fry, a Dagoman man, emphasises the outcomes that home ownership can have on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are significant.
“Home ownership provides considerable benefits now and into the future.
“Today it provides secure housing which ultimately leads to intergenerational wealth and sets an example for others that may not have seen home ownership as an option.
“To fulfill our role at IBA to promote and encourage Indigenous self-management and self-sufficiency, we require a strong understanding about the pathways into housing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
“These insights inform IBA’s strategic direction, to ensure we are meeting the increasing aspirations of our communities.
“Owning your home is not the only option and the full spectrum of housing outcomes needs to be addressed for Australia to improve its housing crisis – for our Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.
“The research is just the beginning and builds an understanding of the potential business and investment opportunities to assist the market supply secure and affordable rental properties to support the transition pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people into home ownership and other great housing outcomes.”
Read Pathways through Housing report.
Read First Nations Housing fact sheet.
Media contact: Tara Toohill 02 9207 6362 or tara.toohill@iba.gov.au